Senarai Kursus

Senarai Kursus

Memaparkan 8,321-8,340 daripada 8,487 items.
#Nama KursusJumlah Hari BekerjaPusat Bertauliah [Kod Pusat]Penerangan KursusNegeriTahap ProgramKategori Program
8321URUT TERAPI40TOBIB HEALTHCARE [PD6154]Kursus kemahiran berdasarkan NOSS Urut Terapi yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran merangkumi 2 Unit Kompetensi teras iaitu;
1. Urut Seluruh Badan
2. Urut Separuh Badan
dengan mengaplikasi 5 teknik urutan standard merangkumi 1. Effleurage 2. Petrissage 3. Tapotement 4. Friction 5.Vibration
Selangor3Program Modular
8322Inventori40VISION DIAGNOSTIC SDN BHD [PD5984]Kursus Office Inventory Handling adalah kursus yang memberi pengetahuan dan kemahiran mengenai cara mengurus dan mengendalikan inventori pejabat secara berkesan. Kursus ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang proses pengurusan stok dan inventori dalam konteks persekitaran pejabat, yang melibatkan aliran masuk dan keluar barang serta penyelenggaraan rekod inventori yang betul.

Berikut adalah penerangan lebih lanjut mengenai Kursus Office Inventory Handling:

1. Tujuan Kursus
Kursus ini bertujuan untuk:

Meningkatkan Kecekapan Pengurusan Stok: Memberikan peserta kemahiran dalam mengurus inventori pejabat seperti peralatan, bahan-bahan, dan barang keperluan harian yang digunakan dalam operasi pejabat.
Mengurangkan Pembaziran: Membantu mengelakkan pembelian berlebihan atau kekurangan bekalan dengan cara mengesan dan merancang pengurusan inventori yang lebih efisien.
Memastikan Kelancaran Operasi: Menyokong kelancaran fungsi pejabat dengan memastikan bekalan yang mencukupi dan tiada gangguan kepada produktiviti disebabkan kekurangan barang.
Peningkatan Kemahiran Pengurusan: Memberikan pengetahuan tentang teknik pengurusan inventori yang efektif dalam meningkatkan produktiviti dan prestasi organisasi.
Selangor3Program Modular
8323Pesanan dan Penerimaan Stok40VISION DIAGNOSTIC SDN BHD [PD5984]Pesanan dan Penerimaan Stok adalah dua proses penting dalam pengurusan inventori dan rantaian bekalan. Kedua-dua langkah ini memainkan peranan dalam memastikan kelancaran aliran barang di dalam perniagaan. Berikut adalah penjelasan ringkas mengenai kedua-dua proses tersebut:

1. Pesanan Stok (Stock Order)
Pesanan stok merujuk kepada proses di mana sebuah perniagaan membuat pesanan kepada pembekal atau pengeluar untuk mendapatkan stok atau barangan yang diperlukan. Proses ini biasanya bermula apabila perniagaan mendapati bahawa tahap inventori barang telah berkurang atau hampir habis dan perlu diisi semula agar operasi perniagaan dapat berjalan dengan lancar.

Langkah-langkah dalam pesanan stok:

Penilaian Inventori: Menyemak tahap inventori semasa untuk mengenal pasti barangan yang perlu dipesan.
Pembuatan Pesanan: Menyediakan senarai barangan yang perlu dipesan bersama dengan kuantiti yang diperlukan, kemudian menghantar pesanan kepada pembekal.
Pemilihan Pembekal: Memilih pembekal yang menawarkan harga terbaik, penghantaran tepat pada masa, dan kualiti produk yang sesuai.
Pengesahan Pesanan: Pembekal mengesahkan pesanan dan memberikan tarikh penghantaran yang dijangka.
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pesanan stok:

Permintaan Pasaran: Kadar permintaan produk daripada pelanggan.
Kos Pengangkutan dan Penghantaran: Kos yang terlibat dalam proses penghantaran.
Pengurusan Stok yang Optimum: Menentukan jumlah stok yang perlu dipesan berdasarkan jangkaan permintaan dan kapasiti penyimpanan.

2. Penerimaan Stok (Stock Receiving)
Penerimaan stok merujuk kepada proses di mana barang yang dipesan diterima oleh perniagaan daripada pembekal atau pengeluar. Proses ini melibatkan pemeriksaan dan pengesahan bahawa barang yang diterima adalah sesuai dengan pesanan yang dibuat dan dalam keadaan yang baik.

Langkah-langkah dalam penerimaan stok:

Penerimaan Barang: Barang yang dipesan tiba di premis perniagaan.
Pemeriksaan Kualiti dan Kuantiti: Staf perlu memeriksa kuantiti, jenis, dan kualiti produk yang diterima. Jika terdapat barang yang rosak atau tidak sesuai, laporan atau tuntutan perlu dibuat kepada pembekal.
Pengemaskinian Rekod Inventori: Setelah penerimaan barang disahkan, stok perlu dikemaskini dalam sistem inventori perniagaan.
Penyimpanan: Barang yang diterima perlu disusun dan disimpan dengan betul mengikut jenis dan kategori untuk memudahkan pengambilan stok.
Isu yang mungkin timbul semasa penerimaan stok:

Kerosakan atau Kekurangan Barang: Jika barang yang diterima rosak atau tidak mencukupi, ia perlu dilaporkan kepada pembekal dan tindakan lanjut perlu diambil.
Kesilapan dalam Penghantaran: Kadang-kadang, pembekal mungkin menghantar barang yang salah. Ini perlu dibetulkan melalui proses pemulangan atau pertukaran barang.
Selangor3Program Modular
8324OPERASI PERKHIDMATAN SEKURITI SESI 1160PUSAT LATIHAN RELA NEGERI SABAH (PLRNS) [PD6185]"GUARD AND SECURITY SERVICES in Malaysia comes under the Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) and the regulatory bodies that are involved are The Royal Malaysian Police, Malaysian Immigration Department, National Registration Department, with the guidelines made by various government agencies. Guard and Security firms and proprietary security departments practice the ""detect, deter, observe and report"" methodology. Guard & Security Services Operation personnel are not required to make arrests, but have the authority to make a citizen's arrest, or otherwise act as an agent of law enforcement, for example, at the request of police personnel.

A Security Services Operation personnel’s primary duty is the prevention and deterrence of crime. Guard & Security Services Operation personnel are allowed to enforce company rules and can act to protect lives and property and they often have a contractual obligation to provide these actions. In addition to basic deterrence, Security Services Operation personnel are trained to perform specialized tasks such as detention and control, operate emergency equipment perform First Aid, CPR, firefighting, crowd control, write detailed reports and perform other tasks as required by the client/ customer or the organization that they are serving.

Specific Security Services Operation personnel are required to go through additional training mandated by their firm or are required to carry weapons such as batons, firearms etc. For carrying firearms, Carry & Use (or C&U) license issued by the police is required.

The career path of Security Services Operation personnel provides structured set of activities that enables a person who aspires to achieve competency in this particular occupation, ultimately enhancing him or her on a career in Security Services Operation level two (2). It is compulsory for Security Services Operation level two (2) to complete core competency units training before pursuing elective core competency units training. The role and responsibilities of Security Services Operation personnel encompass some elements of problem solving and decision making, and their work activities are not routine or predictable, thus, level one (1) is non-existent.

Security Services Operation is a pillar that comes under the sub-sector of Defence & Security Services. Fig. 1.1 is an extract from the complete Occupational Profile Chart. This chart shows the structured career path of security operation personnel. It provides structured set of activities that enables a person who aspires to achieve competency in this particular occupation, ultimately enhancing him or her to embark on a career in the Defence & Security Services.

The Economic Planning Unit (EPU) has prepared a comprehensive 10th Malaysian Plan (10MP) which is a blueprint in order to assign the national budget from 2011 to 2015 to all economic sectors in Malaysia. One of the key trusts of 10MP is the charting development of a high income nation by transforming to high income through specialization. Low skills jobs come with low wages and skilled jobs come with higher wages.

The subject of security has become ubiquitous factor and is now being dealt with more seriously at all levels of communities in Malaysia. The development of physical structures such as high rise buildings, condominiums, guarded communities and commercial structures are in dire needs for such security operation services. Due to these requirements, there is urgency to developing the new NOSS. Currently, there is a shortage of security operation personnel and the future for these personnel are very bright and a path way to a rewarding career that can ensure services given meet the professional standard as required by the industry/ customer.

Security Operation Services is recognised globally as a huge growth area and there is a need for properly trained personnel at Level 2 as well as upper levels. This will provide a structured career path and career guidance for individuals and organizations alike. Having a suitably skilled workforce will improve Malaysia as a centre of excellence in the region and help towards inward investment in the country.

This NOSS provides first hand information to the workers regarding Security Operation Services working environment inclusive of good security operating practice, good security procedural practice, security uniform requirements and safety practices enforced by KDN and other regulatory bodies. This NOSS also provides a career path and employment development for those involved in this industry. A new Occupational Structure is shown in Figure 1.1 Occupational structures for Security Operation Services. Consequently, the development of this NOSS at Level 2 (Refer Figure 1.2 Occupational Area Analysis) for Security Operation Services is essential so that the sub sector will have complete standards and guidelines to be used by the industry.

Sabah2Program Modular

The Security Services Operation personnel have a high employment prospect whether locally or internationally. This is because the local expertise workforce is recognised by other countries as being highly knowledgeable and skilled in Security Services Operation industry. This in turn increases the demand for skilled personnel in this field to be employed locally or internationally.

Other related occupations with respect to employment opportunities are:

· Bodyguard

· Escort

· Private investigator

· Any other organization using Guard and Security Services personnel.

Other related industries with respect to employment opportunities are:

· Training Centres

· Guarded public and private community centres

· Factories

· Financial Institutes

· Entry points/ Sea ports/ Air ports/ Train services

Sabah3Program Modular

The Security Services Operation personnel have a high employment prospect whether locally or internationally. This is because the local expertise workforce is recognised by other countries as being highly knowledgeable and skilled in Security Services Operation industry. This in turn increases the demand for skilled personnel in this field to be employed locally or internationally.

Other related occupations with respect to employment opportunities are:

· Bodyguard

· Escort

· Private investigator

· Any other organization using Guard and Security Services personnel.

Other related industries with respect to employment opportunities are:

· Training Centres

· Guarded public and private community centres

· Factories

· Financial Institutes

· Entry points/ Sea ports/ Air ports/ Train services

Sabah3Program Modular
8327REFLEKSOLOGI SESI 178UPSKILL [PD6230]Generally, reflexology personnel work is according to work schedule and responsible to meet clients requirements. He/she is also responsible to adhere to workplace standard operating procedure and reflexology specification/procedure. They must also be always aware of new development in order to keep abreast in the rapidly changing health sector. They may work individually or in an industry with supervision by superior.

Personnel in this field of work also required to adhere to safety and security procedures because the working environment for health industry.
Sabah3Program Modular
8328OPERASI JUALAN DAN PEMASARAN SESI 1160PRACTIX RESOURCES [PD6165]Marketing management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of marketing activities and the firm's resources. Rapidly emerging forces of globalization have led firms to market beyond the borders of their home countries, making international marketing highly significant and an internal part of a firm’s marketing strategy. Marketing management may be defined as a process of management of marketing programmes for accomplishing organizational goals and objectives. It represents an important functional area of business management involves planning, implementation and control of marketing programmes as well as all managerial function in the fields of marketing.Sabah3Program Modular
8329OPERASI JUALAN DAN PEMASARAN SESI 2160PRACTIX RESOURCES [PD6165]Marketing management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of marketing activities and the firm's resources. Rapidly emerging forces of globalization have led firms to market beyond the borders of their home countries, making international marketing highly significant and an internal part of a firm’s marketing strategy. Marketing management may be defined as a process of management of marketing programmes for accomplishing organizational goals and objectives. It represents an important functional area of business management involves planning, implementation and control of marketing programmes as well as all managerial function in the fields of marketing.Sabah3Program Modular
8330REFLEKSOLOGI SESI 278UPSKILL [PD6230]Generally, reflexology personnel work is according to work schedule and responsible to meet clients requirements. He/she is also responsible to adhere to workplace standard operating procedure and reflexology specification/procedure. They must also be always aware of new development in order to keep abreast in the rapidly changing health sector. They may work individually or in an industry with supervision by superior.

Personnel in this field of work also required to adhere to safety and security procedures because the working environment for health industry.
Sabah3Program Modular
8331OPERASI JUALAN DAN PEMASARAN SESI 340PRACTIX RESOURCES [PD6165]Marketing management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of marketing activities and the firm's resources. Rapidly emerging forces of globalization have led firms to market beyond the borders of their home countries, making international marketing highly significant and an internal part of a firm’s marketing strategy. Marketing management may be defined as a process of management of marketing programmes for accomplishing organizational goals and objectives. It represents an important functional area of business management involves planning, implementation and control of marketing programmes as well as all managerial function in the fields of marketing.Sabah3Program Modular
8332OPERASI JUALAN DAN PEMASARAN SESI 140TULUS ETIKA [PD6173]Marketing management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of marketing activities and the firm's resources. Rapidly emerging forces of globalization have led firms to market beyond the borders of their home countries, making international marketing highly significant and an internal part of a firm’s marketing strategy. Marketing management may be defined as a process of management of marketing programmes for accomplishing organizational goals and objectives. It represents an important functional area of business management involves planning, implementation and control of marketing programmes as well as all managerial function in the fields of marketing.Sabah3Program Modular
8333OPERASI JUALAN DAN PEMASARAN SESI 240TULUS ETIKA [PD6173]Marketing management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of marketing activities and the firm's resources. Rapidly emerging forces of globalization have led firms to market beyond the borders of their home countries, making international marketing highly significant and an internal part of a firm’s marketing strategy. Marketing management may be defined as a process of management of marketing programmes for accomplishing organizational goals and objectives. It represents an important functional area of business management involves planning, implementation and control of marketing programmes as well as all managerial function in the fields of marketing.Sabah3Program Modular
8334OPERASI JUALAN DAN PEMASARAN SESI 340TULUS ETIKA [PD6173]Marketing management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of marketing activities and the firm's resources. Rapidly emerging forces of globalization have led firms to market beyond the borders of their home countries, making international marketing highly significant and an internal part of a firm’s marketing strategy. Marketing management may be defined as a process of management of marketing programmes for accomplishing organizational goals and objectives. It represents an important functional area of business management involves planning, implementation and control of marketing programmes as well as all managerial function in the fields of marketing.Sabah3Program Modular
8335MODULAR T982-001-3:2017-CU01 60MY BEAUTY ACADEMY SDN BHD [PD5187]This Early Childhood Daily Routine Care Competency Unit is to regular routine that enables children to reduce anxiety by knowing what is coming next. Upon completion of this competency unit, trainees will be able to:
- Carry out child receiving
- Carry out child grooming
- Carry out child meals preparation
- Carry out sleeping and resting activity
- Carry out early childhood routine activities care
- Carry out child returning
Perak3Program Modular
8336COMPUTER NETWORK SET-UP : CU 0460KOLEJ EASTERN [IS0011]Analyse computer network connectivity configuration specification
Carry out network installation
Carry out network connectivity testing
Produce computer network set-up report
Sabah3Program Modular
8337MODULAR ET-012-3:2012 - CU01 & CU02 60MY BEAUTY ACADEMY SDN BHD [PD5187]This Preschool Children’s Health, Safety and Security Assurance Competency Unit is to ensure preschool children’s health, safety and security indoor and outdoor while the school is in session in accordance with Occupational Safety Health and Environment Act (OSHEA), Regulatory and Statutory Bodies’ Requirements and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The preschool teacher checks and records children’s health and physical conditions in compliance with health, safety and security rules and routines as well as to keep children under supervision at all times.

This Preschool Teaching and Learning Competency Unit is to develop children aged 4 - 6 in the developmental domains of physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual through effective formal and informal teaching-learning processes.
The Preschool Teacher is responsible for planning and executing preschool education programme to teach young children effectively by adopting appropriate approaches and practices to ensure the holistic development and well-being of children in accordance to the National Preschool Curriculum Standard (NPCS / KSPK).
Perak3Program Modular
8338DANDANAN RAMBUT 40INSTITUT KECANTIKAN NUVIS SABAH [IS0069]ADI Berinsentif 2025Sabah2Program Modular